Thermally Managed Outdoor Enclosures Contribute to Stronger, More Reliable Battery Backup Systems

Serving as a backup power or a primary power, battery backup systems enable machines function in the event of an outage or a fault. But beyond this, they activate the low-voltage main breaker and high-voltage protection of power transformers as well as provide reliable power for switchgear and critical standby systems during power loss. As…

Six Benefits of Recycling Batteries

Every person knows that recycling is important for various reasons. However, despite the push for recycling, many people are unfamiliar with battery recycling. To bring awareness to the topic, here are some benefits to regularly recycling batteries. Batteries Have Harmful Chemicals This is one of the biggest reasons. Some people believe that throwing batteries in…

Onsite Industrial Battery Back Up Installation and Service

Power Protection Equipment from Canada’s Foremost Battery Experts. Battery power is as important as the equipment it protects. Power protection Equipment and Backup solutions play a key role in commercial and industrial business continuity. Battery Electric Inc. has been supplying dependable products and precise solutions to the engineering and industrial sector for over 47 years.…